The Dawn Resource

If you have come to these pages expecting to be able to access the material in the Dawn Resource we are sorry to have to disappoint you. This material is private and the only way to see it is by way of other links. (Dawn members should contact Matt Snelling, Andrew Longman or Laurie Broughton.)

Useful links to other Dawn Websites

General Websites

The 1 Way
A comprehensive website containing news and current affairs blogs from a Christian perspective, videos and downloadable material on a variety of topics. This site also contains a glossary/lexicon of common religious terms, a question box and contact information. There are two parts of a self-guided Bible reading instruction course.

Believe The Bible (Australia)
Does what it says on the tin! Seven reasons to believe the Bible, including a contact box and other links. This material is also available as a book - fill in the contact box for more details.

Bible Dreams
Exposition of the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar and others (found in Daniel chapter 2).

Bible Uk
Many written articles on diverse topics, including Christian marriage and current affairs. Free subscription to the digital version of the Light magazine and contact information.

Christadelphian Answers
Introductory information and answers to Bible questions related to doctrine.

Ecclesiastes For You
Short webpage containing a discussion of Ecclesiastes ch. 3 - “A time for everything”.

The Light Magazine
Downloadable written material including the Light magazine, 1 part of a self-guided Bible reading instruction course, contact information and details of public talks held in London, UK.

The Open Bible
Q&A about the Bible consisting of longer articles and shorter FAQ as well as a question box. Downloadable self-guided Bible Study course, locations of selected Dawn Ecclesias worldwide.

Remnant reformation
This website contains a variety of downloadable written material and three, thirty-minute seminar videos on the topics of creation, Abraham and the Kingdom of God.

Search The Bible (Australia)
Information about the Christadelphians, a map showing selected Dawn Christadelphian presences across the world and a link to the DawnDelph Youtube channel. Downloadable 12 part self-study Bible course.

Websites run by particular groups (ecclesias)

Bexley Christadelphians
Downloadable written material including the Light magazine, 1 part of a self-guided Bible reading instruction course, contact information and details of public talks held in London, UK.

The Bible Museum (Australia)
Information about the Christadelphian maintained Bible Museum in St. Arnaud, Australia. Information about museum exhibits and visiting directions, etc.

The Bramerton Christadelphians
Introduction to the Christadelphians, history of the Christadelphians in the village of Bramerton, UK. Downloadable Light magazines and other short articles. Schedule of public talks held in Bramerton, UK.

Canadian Dawn Christadelphians
Information about the Christadelphians, various articles and location of Christadelphian groups (ecclesias) in Ontario, Canada. Contact information and downloadable self-guided Bible study course.

Know Your Bible (Brisbane, Australia)
Information about the beliefs of the Christadelphians, 6 parts of a self guided Bible Study course and schedule of public events held in Brisbane, Australia.

Lee Bible Study Centre
Schedule of activities at the Lee Bible Study Centre, London, UK. FAQ, contact information with Google Maps link and downloadable six-part self-guided Bible study course.

Milton Keynes Bible Seminars
Advertisements for upcoming Bible talks in Milton Keynes, UK. Contact information box.

Other Languages

Christadelphians in Europe
Concise information that can be accessed in about 15 different (mostly European) languages by clicking on the relevant flag.

Moroccan Christadelphians
Arabic language website containing introductory information, questions about doctrine, comparison of sin as presented in Christianity and Islam, downloadable audio files with Bible Lessons in Arabic and contact information.

Polish Christadelphians
Polish language website with extensive information and answers to doctrinal questions, selected issues of Light Magazine (Polish) and downloadable Christadelphian books (pdfs) in Polish. Information about Christadelphian events in Poland.

Miscellaneous links

The Dawn Book Supply
Online shop for buying Dawn Christadelphian literature.

Dawn Delph - Youtube
Youtube channel with videos about selected topics and worship music.

Delph Radio
24hr broadcast of talks, songs (hymns and contemporary music), poetry etc., with a Christian theme. Also contains a prayer board, the facility to send a postcard online and a summary of Christadelphian beliefs.

Find us on Facebook!

Some of our groups have facebook pages where you can find more information:

Wisborough Green, UK
Baguio City, Philippines
Mangatarem, Philippines

"Jesus said to them: ʻGo into the world and preach the gospel to all nations'" (Mark 16). Thank you for contacting the Dawn Christadelphians. We hope we can help you to find the answers youʼre looking for. Enjoy your search and may God bless you.